Sunday, 13 January 2013

day 2 the tape measure is taken away

After a remeasure twice ,the plank is too short my brother cant understand how this has happened as he is in charge of teh measuring ,,the tape is duley taken off him and he with draws after he has helped me put the roof on he with draws and i end up hanging the walls by myself ,with help from a clamp, my dad has arived and  teh two of them go off talking ,my aunt and uncle arive and we all go off talking and  the shed is on hold ,but i do sneek in the hanging of tehdoor ,bloking holes setting out were i want my couch cuboard ,and easel desk and wall space for paintinggs i wonder why the one thing ive prayed for asked around and no one will give is awindow ,now i realise it would ve been a wasted space as paintings hang on all foour walls and the light in from theclear roof infg is adiquit, and teh electric lighting ive installed is great ,the piping came from next door to lay the elerctric cable ,it was gas pipping as thegass works out side our house were being redone ,and i slid tehcable into the casing using a piece of string on a ball odf paper sucked through with a vacume cleaner ,great idea ,my brother was tired maybe from jet lag i dont know but he sure slept alot ,

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